If you wanna learn more about portrait drawing, check out my “Portrait Fundamentals Made Simple” course.
It’s a very beginner-friendly course that walks you through all the basics of portraiture, from constructing a basic head, facial proportions, drawing the features, and finally drawing a realistic portrait step-by-step.
Hi Ethan Just would like to say that I have been viewing your lessons for a long time now!! You are a brilliant tutor so talented and every lesson is explained so well and easy to understand and follow your instructions. Looking forward to many more. Thank you so much Mary Rodda.
Where did you learn how to draw please teach me
Hi Ethan, just want to take this moment to thank you deeply for the work and effort you apply towards helping poor souls as myself to develop our skills somewhat. I have explored a numbered of other on line artists and the exorbadant prices they charge many of $1400 plus. Iknow yours but with one exception, I believe you must be the most prolifice in producting material that far exceeds others. I merely wish to express my deepest, abiding respect and appreciation for what you are doing. I sincerely hope that your efforts in providing your labors to “us poor souls”, will be redoubled to you in time. You certainly deserve fine blessings for those you have bestowed upon a populace you will never see.
With deepest respect
Hi Tom,
Thank you very much for you kind comment. It really means alot! Sometimes I wonder if the videos that I put out are good enough and if people are getting value out of them… so to hear that you find them so useful and very encouraging and motivates me to keep making them 🙂 And I just want to say that you are very welcome and I am very grateful for your support!